Can't get enough
By dreamseeker_70
Is it January 13th, yet? Come on season 4.
season 4?
By :)me<3
I love this show, but where's season 4?!
Where is season 4???
By Jennitx255
Where is season 4? It's been on for 6 months now! You've carried the other seasons. Please update!
Season 4?
By Lari3366
How about getting us Lost Girls fans season four?
By iloveyoualways
Love this show. I can't wait until season 4
The best show on the North American Continent!!!
By amppod
I could watch the episodes over and over the acting is great, the chemistry is great and what am adventure!!!! Every time I watch the seasons over I find tidbits that I have previously's an interestingly intricate story with tons of stuff yet to be revealed......I can't wait for the next season (season 4) to start in you guysxxxxxx
But where are the rest of the episodes??
By Horror movie lover358885
Great show but iTunes is so terrible about consistently updating... I guess it is just a reflection on how badly things are for apple these days.
Is the season pass permanent?
By acjohns
I have a quick question... Once I download/watch the episodes will they permanently stay downloaded to my computer?
Need to Watch!
By KatjaJett
I absolutely love this show! I came in late, watched season 1 and immediately bought the other two. It's sexy, creative, and has a habit of leaving you on the edge of you seat waiting for the next episode.
Love Lost Girl
By alexisveee
I love this show soo much… I don't know what I'm going to when I'm waiting for season 4. I really want Bo and Tansin to be together :)