Worth While
By Newps56
For the price, it's a must have. Mitch Coleborn and Dusty Payne's crazy section of giant airs over shallow reef at the end of the movie is alone worth the $4.99. If you love high performance, progressive surfing, buy it.
No BS!
By mutilated lips
This is one of the best Volcolm movies in awhile, if you can stomach listening to these guys talk. Dusty Payne's section is worth the price alone, and finally seeing Mitch Coleborn footage instead of mag shots shows he's legit. Hopefully we get some more $5 videos from the other companies. Volcom's not as legit as they once were, but this video is appreciated. Go Ryan Burch!
By Trestles Shredder
I didn't even think this video was out yet and i just found it on here, stoked. Good surfing and fun to watch. Check it out forsure.
BS is BS!!
By Surfnturkey
What an insane surf movie. Dusty and Mitch are the future of the sport hands down. It was a full on Volcom classic and it took me on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. I would pay triple the amount for this movie. Thanks to Volcom for continuing to keep their movies entertaining and action packed!! Get it now!!
This movie is GOOD!
By surfmoviejunkie
Volcom consistently makes the best surf films, and BS! is another one for the collection. I love all the action from Dusty and Mitch, these kids are killing it so hard, the older dudes better watch out. Ozzie's cameo is sick too, and the filming, editing and yes, even the music is insane. Exactly what you'd expect from Volcom. I was really surprised at the length of the movie as well, for some reason I was expecting something shorter. If you're looking for something bland or something with a soundtrack that you know, this is not the place. Good work Volcom... keep them coming!!!
BS! Rules!
By Daktal
Here is my take. I watched this movie for the first time and was taken back a bit by the music. After watching the movie 10 or so times over the last 2 weeks I'd have to say that it's one of my Favorite Veeco Films. Take a second listen, the music is awesome! The last song is kinda crazy and intense but so is the surfing. Watch it with an open mind! I hope to god that this helps change the way sound tracks are put together. I can only take so much of the same trendy electro pop and punk rock, i don't mind it but it's refreshing to hear something new.
Complete BS!
By Newpsurfer
Amazing video, worth twice the money just for Dusty and Mitch clips....
BS is what it is!!!
By Kauai It Down
So bummed on the quality and music on this surf flick that it was hard to enjoy the Volcom boys ripping.
It seemed like I was watching raw footage with lame slow-mo and lame editing.
Hands down the worst sound track I have every heard in a surf movie. Vocom didn't even use many of the bands on their lable, they used a bunch of realy bad songs that no one has or wants to hear.
Alex is an awesome human and surfs great, Dusty and Mitch rip crazy hard as well so why not make a super fun movie with these guys ripping that is also enjoyable to watch over and over.
Not worth the $4.99
By McNarly
What is up with the last song in the video?! Sickest surfing going down with the most awful song.... had to watch it on mute......
Besides the horrible music, the surfing is insane, buy it just to watch Dusty and Mitch.
I love it, its BS!