By veloqxaudi88
My gf and I have been watching Survivor throughout the past month. This was the 5th season we have purchased. Survivor tried a different approach on this one: having an awesome camp and a horrible camp. It didn't turn out too well. Having the first half of the season dominated by one team. The merge was very welcomed and saved the season. I wouldn't go out of my way for this season, purchase a different one!
Survivor Fiji Episode 4
By Taylor Sinclair
At the very end of the episode it skips a part of the episode when a person gets voted out. Not very good quality on this episode and I wish it could be fixed. I was given a credit to replace it, even though I can't replace that same episode. Doesn't help the problem.
Needs to be cheaper
By Segalla
THis show needs to be cheaper a lot cheaper since im only a kid and 20 bucks is a ton of money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is great. Each time when you figure it out it changes.
By gtwaytech
It is great. Each time when you figure it out it changes.
Episode 1407
By Lylat Foxes
That's the besat episode, it has so much deception and hilarity. Yau-Man does something very clever that could ruin another survivor's chance at a million dollars and at the immunity challenge, Michelle falls hard! I can't stop laughting at it.
By iowavlaprof
When you click on Survivor Season 15 China you get last year's Fiji. Whazzup with that?????
Survivor China
By strongfoundation
So when is Survivor China going to be up? I am getting ansy.
survivor China
By autum42
As an avid survivor fan, I am waiting for the preorder for survivor china to be listed. Show premeires in 2 weeks and still not availbale, when will this be available?
By hardrockdrums1024
Survivor's a great show, but iTunes has to wait for the Studio to SEND them the most recent episode, which can take a few days after it aires, and then iTunes has to upload it, with all the thousands of other T.V. episodes it has to handle. So, iTunes is not to blame. It's the network.
Please put more seasons!!!!
By njg-man
This is crazy not to have all the seasons, but can you please start releasing some one at a time you money grubbers.