The sing 2
By kennedie Arthurs
lots of singing and dancing ❤️❤️❤️❤️ morning was and makeup
Slow release!!
By ranchymomma
Why aren’t you releasing the finale?!! Delayed releases are lame
Delay with finale
By kpicol29
Usually episodes are available the next day. The two part finale has been completed, outcome all over Internet, yet no sign of finale on ITunes. Very frustrating.
Late release bait and switch
By nicknamessofrustrating
Once again these deceptive practices we’ve all gotten used to but which are infuriating nonetheless where the finales wont don’t get released with the same lag as a regular episode but rather they make us wait, often day. getting spoiled let and right, unable to enter our regular conversations and communities on this topic. Just unfair and a low key con.