Amazing tv show SNL
By oder popdog
This is a great tv show it is vary funny and it is a classic on top of that it is great.
Saturday night live
By thr real
Now that Trump isn’t president they can’t harass anyone they wouldn’t dare go after Biden because they don’t go after there own stupid racist agenda against republicans
SNL is great
By Coral'skittys
I enjoy Saturday night live and I think the cast they have now is really wonderful I especially like Pete Davidson and Kate McKinnon. Mr. Baldwin does a wonderful version of Trump, and I must admit I like his version of Trump much better than the real person Trump!
On point
By GrowingTree
They accurately portray the horrors of our time in comedic light for the benefit of the silent majority, which horrifies the loud minority on end.
Best of SNL!
There take on current events & what the American people have had to deal with for the last 4 years is outstanding! Thank you for not be intimidated and telling it like it is! Buying the Season!
Just plain sad
By Jacq9362
To think what was once the greatest comedian show is now the most twisted and propaganda in force show that ever existed
Not Funny Anymore
By mrbabes
Haven't laughed in years. Wayyyyyy too political.
This is the best they can do?
By be_here_now
A week to prepare. A team of writers. Celebrity guests. And this is the best they can do? How is this show still on the air?
Used to be funny
By StEvE CaR
SNL hasn’t been funny since the 80’s