One of the BEST to ever do it💯😢
By SaltStorm007
How can you not get this AMAZING SERIES for only $9.99💯🤯
Loved this guy! As a chef I looked up to him and as a person/what he did for people, even more so! Unfortunately he couldn’t conquer his demons. If you or anyone you know needs help, PLEASE GET THE HELP, ASAP! Better for them to be mad at you and still be here, than to live a lifetime of regrets and ‘shoulda/coulda/woulda’ yourself to an early grave! If you are going through something, REACH OUT FOR HELP! Don’t be that selfish and have your loved ones go through that! Couldn’t even begin to imagine putting my family through finding/cleaning/ questioning/mourning/etc. Jesus is the ONLY real way to find TRUE PEACE💯🙏From the outside looking in one would think he had EVERYTHING....
R.I.P. Anthony Bourdain! You were a REAL ONE, BUDDY!!
$9.99 is a great deal!
By Waam
This is a great price. Great story teller who made me want to travel.
This should be free in Public Good. This was great television.
By thecivilpost
This should be free in the name of public good. This was paramount television.
By Chrism.h
Doubling the price cause he passed is a pretty gross business practice
Please bring back the $40 price
By one755
Please bring back the $40 price
Please bring back the $30 bundle
By rico2kblogs
Apple kindly please bring back the $30 bundle please
HBO Max?
By Thirstythong
Parts Unknown was the only reason I was going to subscribe to HBO Max. The other would be Rick & Morty.
Great story teller
By steple
Anthony Bourdain was a great story teller. At the center of his stories are great food, however he went beyond that by giving us the stories behind the people he talked to and the places he went to.
He’s truly missed....
Changed my life
By staten_stl
Sparked my love of food and travel and has caused me to visit 15 countries and counting.
Should be able to buy single eps
Should allow single episodes purchasing,