They need more shows like this especially now
By winnafredsmom
Best tv show ever. We need more morality in today’s entertainment
By The Riddick
Anyone doing their jobs at apple? Where is HD? Only SD?…. What about 4k?? Wake the F up!
Wasted Money Poorly Organized
By snownx01
This set includes All of the episodes as one continuous viewing experience that has to be Started every time from the beginning. If I want to find my favorite episode equinox I have to scroll through an entire list then select it. You can’t go by the 7 seasons of the show. I am really disappointed that I purchased this set.
HD Remaster would Be the Cherry on Top
By CharlesPage
My favorite Star Trek series at an incredible price!
Answer to HD questions
By JDPrendergast
Hello fans of all things Trek. Unlike Start Trek: The Next Generation (or for that matter, Gilligan's Island), Deep Space Nine and Voyager were not originally recorded on film. Voyager and DS9 were recorded on studio television cameras and onto tape, whereas TNG was first captured on film. The upgrade to HD, 4k and 8k was able to happen a lot more easily because it was first on film, which is able to preserve images in much more details than the studio cameras at the time. And while we take for granted today that studio cameras can capture an amazing amount of image quality digitally, back in the 90's there were limitations to how much detail those cameras and tapes could capture. Hence, a large part of why DS9 and Voyager haven't been "remastered" into HD yet. Paramount released a statement a couple of years ago that they are planning to release Voyager and DS9 in HD but it is a very time consuming process - and that they were also considering waiting a few years for AI to advance enough to possibly use that technology to help increase the image quality for the remaster. Anyway, this infor is easily found on the web if anyone actually cares to do their homework. I just thought I'd share since so many of you are complaining about why this isn't in HD or UHD.
Voyager is awesome!
By VoyagerFan52
Excellent series and deserving of an HD remaster!!! Make it so and take my money!
Its 2021 where is the hd version?
By Aykut Yekeler
Come on
By pinkmunky2
From one fan to you all of the Trekkie known universe ….especially the ones familiar or from Delta Quadrant. Logic dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the the needs of the few or the one. Therefore , pass this on and make sure that it is clear. Not one will be heard , not a few will be heard but the many can make a difference. We all need to persist that this series be transferred to HD soon. The writing , the production , the creation (sets , CGI , clothing , makeup) , the acting ; all deserve the time to be transferred to HD. I for one , can only say this ; that I simply cannot pick a favorite episode , it would put me in utter distress. All episodes of this series provoke thinking and imagination and invoke conversation . If we all make our request they may understand, but you simply cannot give it half star for not being HD … Everyone should edit the reviews with five stars so they take notice. One star or half star is what is being seen and noted so they figure why bother. I am currently watching the series on Netflix and it suffers from SD. Star Trek Voyager deserves recognition and we as fans can demand that it gets attention. Change your reviews and pass the word through text / email / social media, it is time for the fans to be heard , it is time for the Trekkies to be heard. Live long and prosper 🖖🏻.
Finally. The only ST I couldn't watch it from beginning to end. Well now I can at a solid price too. Bye... gotta watch...
Not buying until in HD‼️
By BreeInGilbertAZ
There is zero excuse when movies from the 1920s & ‘30s plus tv series from the 1960s are in HD and Voyager is not. Sorry, Apple. Not buying it until you give us an HD version. An insult to the series.🥵