Great show... now please release Season 5 part 2
By LoveysPlace
Happy to finally get to watch Season5 part 1... the series finale has already aired in Canada but I have no idea when it runs on SyFy and seriously... iTunes, why do we in the US have to wait for Syfy to air a show that has ended its run in our neighbor to the North. The same problem occurred with "Merlin" which is why I stopped watching shows on that network -- we had to wait for 6 months after it finished its run in the UK before SyFy aired it.SyFy also ruined "Caprica" and made us wait 4 months after they cancelled it to see the last 5 episodes. iTunes should allow us the buyers to download shows that have aired.... we live in a world community... not just a national one... Comcast - owners of SyFy... shouldn't dictate when we can download episodes.