Another High Point
By Bmb876
If I were to choose a second time this show could have ended to go out on a high note, it would be Season 11. They found a way to top Lucifer bigger than ever, and even bring him back in a very welcomed return. I found the idea of the Darkness fascinating and reminiscent of Season 5 biblical lore. I liked Padalecki’s performance a lot and found he stood out, however the main thing that kept me hooked this season was the story, which hasn’t been the case in a long time, and I really really enjoyed Supernatural again, finding I had to know what happened next.
Super tv show
By 0+hsu
Love it
Love it
By Harry123456789876543211
The best show EVERY
Best tv show ever made
By cookie2354423
I'm 54 and have seen a lot of tv but this is the best show I have ever watched by far. Dean Winchester is the best character and j ankles plays him to a tee. Season 12 is pretty good so far. I'm sure it will get better. It always does for 12 years now!
By Knightsarmor2
Great Addition to the Series
By JulieVeevs
Supernatural really upped their game with this season. Every season of every tv show in every genre will have episodes that do not live up to par, and this season is no excpetion. HOWEVER, there are so many great episodes in this season, the good far out weighs the bad. With episodes like Baby and Don't Call me Shirley, Supernatural really set the bar high for their season 12!
By Sdfoop
Just. Perfect. And the way that it ended held a really amazing deep and spiritual message! 10/10 would reccomend
By Angie brackin
Awesome :)
I love the winchesters!
By queensofyourmomsage
this show is overall fantastic and I've fell in love with all the characters. but it is pretty predictable :(
By wonderjh
love every season of this show!!