Truly chilling thriller
By nine1four
Intense pacing on a world scale and the deepest of personal experience create a great thriller. direction is spot on and could not have been a better cast
The spoiling element of this fruit: ABSOLUTES.
By JoeCoolRunnings
The [Swedish] film adaptation of Stieg Larsson's 'Millenium Trilogy' came up during my college years. But it was this David Fincher-directed take that got me interested in the series. I was pleased with this one, at first; from Mikael Blomquist's pursuit of Hans-Erik Wennerstrom's shady dealings to his investigating of Harriet Vanger's disappearance to Lisbeth Salander's refusal to be a doormat to anyone--certainly not that swine of a guardian, Nils Erik Bjurman. Yes, Daniel Craig recycled a thing or two from his time as James Bond. Christopher Plummer, thanks to his villain roles, made me iffy about Henrik Vanger. [But since Henrik is a figure who suddenly (and ominously) appeared in Blomquist's life anyway, Bravo.] And, of course, there's Rooney Mara; a quiet one playing a quiet one. Generally en pointe. Plus, there is Fincher's signature cold atmosphere--from SE7EN to ZODIAC--even in clear daylight. But there is one problem: This westernized film depends too much on exaggerated absolutions. Mikael Blomquist is absolutely sure of his reporting methods and the consequences; not to mention his affair with his boss. Speaking of which, she's absolutely submissive to her star reporter/lover taking the risk--and about her open relationship. Lisbeth Salander is absolutely wallflower material. Her social (and mental) distance from people and what-not is so right-then-and-there, it is NOT believable. In sum, via "absolute characterization" (and synonymous editing, writing, and pacing) all necessary build-up from the Swedish film version is recklessly cut out. Just jumping from one key point to the other. NOT A GENUINE HUMAN BEING IN SIGHT, Ladies and gentlemen. Come on, even hardened figures like Lisbeth have to laugh or smile a time or two. [Rooney Mara's Lisbeth is blank compared to Noomi Rapace's.] There were times when Blomquist had to question or hesitate to go about his ventures. [Michael Nyqvist shows it; DC does not.] And what about the other consequential figures: Dragan Armansky (Lisbeth's boss), Plague (a fellow hacker), Harriet's cousin, who was practically her twin, and Holger Palmgren (Salander's intial, more stand-up guardian)? Just like Hollywood to throw secondary novel characters in for two or less scenes and forget about them. (If not completely write them out.) Watch this film if you must, given its merits. But be warned: This adaptation thrives too much on exaggerated absolutes as opposed to actual humanity--learnings, insecuritites, and all. You'll thusly be watching caricatures instead of characters.
Well Done
By Ugotta_B_Kidding
Well acted. Rooney Mara did an excellent job with a complex character. The entire cast was great. A bit slow in places, but always interesting and intense.
By Austin Calloway
This was a great film. It went in a wide range of directions and the characters along with the mystery kept me hooked. I didn't want it to end.
Great movie
By Ritoloco
Please put the Spanish tracking
awesome, but not for everyone
By mhazelwd
I loved the intrigue and the story, even the sordid and disreputable parts were well done in my opinion. I did have to watch it alone. My wonderful wife couldn't bare to watch it becuase of the graphic sex and grisley scenes. If you like dark who done its this is for you.
Can’t stop
By mikemac1027
I just can’t get enough of this movie
Watch all versions with an open mind
By Armada75
There is so much detail in the books they could not fit all of it in a 2 hour movie. Much of the storyline is cut out of this film, but not in the extended Swedish versions. The original films is so dramatic and the acting superb, it is scary, especially the extended versions. American families would have trouble identifying with the main character simply because of ignorance and only see what they want to see. Even I would have trouble letting my children watch it, but it does give a glimpse of the real world in its raw and uncut form.
I simply wasn’t impressed with the English version at all. Unless you’ve read the books nobody can judge the movie. The extended version is a Swedish movie series that you can sit by a warm fire all day or all night and watch with loved ones. My first impression is “WoW!” No way the American version could top the Swedish films, which appeared to have the first two films made at the same time and fit perfectly in the storyline.
In this version, you could tell they held the girls character back and suppressed her true abilities. Like everyone has written, read the book and see all versions before judging. Regardless it is an excellent story and gave me hope and never give up.
By Knew & Used
...but slow!
By Ask&Seek123
Rated RR, sex, murder, rape, twisted, implied, photos of victims etc ... but with all that said I was amazed at the thriller to the end, she keeps surprising you, and the story was very well written, wish I had watched the extended version just to see what was taken out.