Content not available?
By DrBogart
I’ve bought hundreds of movies through iTunes. This is the first and only movie I bought that has told me the content is not available… this type of movie is not currently compatible on your device. To play, try using an apple device.
Is this a start to a new thing where we will only be able to watch videos on apple devices? I have way too much invested to not be able to watch on my fire stick or anything else I want to watch it on. What gives?
Not Available on Certain Devices
By Candelwax76
I purchased this move here on iTunes, but when I tried to watch it in the AppleTV app, it said “this type of content is not currently compatible on your device.” I have an LG TV so I can’t watch this movie. If you don’t have an Apple TV you might not be able to watch it.
One of the best portrayals of humanity
By k.kiffmanntkd
Twenty years later and STILL this movie is on the mark. College freshman should have to watch this one. Maybe had it been a rule decades ago, our society wouldn’t be about to tank.
Another perfect 10 from Pacino
By Jake wyler
Anyone who doesn’t think this is one of the best drama’s of the last 30 years must be a religious zealot or otherwise mentally impaired.
Never Boring from start to finish!
By mc hottie
This is a movie you can watch over and over again!
The Devil’s Advocate
By trollogre
Where is # 2?
Not all it’s cracked up to be...
By IrishPirQueen
Al Pacino is a most talented actor. This movie is a dilly and it is pretty awful.
Creepy, horrific, courtroom drama it never disappoints
By Nicholas becerra
The Devil's Advocate may be the werdiest most haunting courtroom dramas i have seen in a while but what really makes this film stand out is the outstanding performences by Keanu Reeves as Kevin Lomax and Al Pacino as the mysterious John Miltion. Advocate is the best courtroom drama i have ever seen it's brutal, well-written, wonderfully acted and directed and trust me! you won't be bored.
Screw cv-19, let’s go scuba diving
By Letsgodiving
If there is a satan, this is it, sophisticated, intelligent and not a big fan of remorse and regret, Al and reeves nailed this,...incredible movie.
By Sonnydaboss