All time favorite movie i hope theres a 3rd
By jteezlifestyle
Great movie!
By fulltilted
Excellent movie with tense action and amazing acting. Really great Cinematography and loved every minute of it.
Disappointing end
By 19700107
Disappointing end of the movie
By kim is #1
Best movie I’ve ever seen in my lifetime
The action continues
By carl hemmings
Sometimes when a sequel is made of a good movie it’s maybe not as good , fair but not good ... this is not the case here , if you liked the first sicario,you should love this plenty of in your face action
total dissapointment
By Salomom67
if you are expecting something like the first part, buddy I have to tell you it's total dissapointment , the film starts like something big and rise your expectations to the top , but suddenly drops to a monotone pace with a mediocre script and a waist of good actors , this a perfect example of how to destroy a good idea , that was worth of a saga , if you realize is not the same director.
Loved the violence
By TulsaMike
All characters were convincing and the plot was fun. Waiting for Sicario III!
Scrooge mcduck
By Nelson1oliva
Here is the problem, I havent seen it, but Im going to rate it a 1 due to the fact that its 20.00 to buy and not available for rent for another month. So guess what itunes and movie studio Ill wait for it in nextflix , and you lost my 9.99.
It’s ok
By $judd$
I like most parts of it but it feels like there is no room for the movie to breath. There’s a beginning and an end but it feels like there is no middle. This movie had so much potential.
By Stevepfi55
Best movie I've seen in years! Can't wait for the next release. Unfortunately, they haven't even started on it yet.