Great movie
By Danny boy5
As for the people saying it’s bad they are blind or stupid or both great movie I wish there had been more of Saruman Elrond and Galadriel but over all I loved this movie
Error in the credits
By WBBaglio
Peter Hambleton’s credit is missing after the 4K update. Please fix this!
By spdgtkt
Thoroughly entertaining!!!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
By J.L1356
What a great conclusion to the end of the middle earth series.
Marred by moments of LOW “humor”; Correct Library Icons?
By Another Beatles Listener
“Biology-Affirming” does not quite translate as “Life-Affirming”.
These films had to involve some grit and fire, but did not have to
include such incongruous — thus intrusive — tripe as was put in
. . . more or less with a crowbar . . . per agenda for (how lovely)
branding these films as Good Family Fun For All; how very mod!!
Such a Low “humor” is neither Tolkien nor, in any era, wisdom.
The casting and acting for Gandalf, Bilbo, and Friends? Sublime.
The treatment of Bilbo’s pity for Gollum is no less than celestial;
such respect for kindness is crucial to Tolkien Books AND Films.
Four stars here, for any or for all of these Hobbit films, in either
Version; for further comments from me (if any are at all wanted),
please see Reviews as via “The Desolation of Smaug” in the
Extended Edition; for still more of my comments on Hobbit films,
please see Reviews as via the Extended “Unexpected Journey”
. . . and thank you!
Awesome 😍
By VJ_1
Love this flick!
Ted Cluberlang
By Black breather
Why is the Hobbit 3 : Battle of the Five Armies Extended Edition Rated R ? It’s Rated R for some violence Bruh that’s it doesn’t show Brief nudity It’s Rated R only because it just show some violence.
My favorite movie 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
By ata.photoz
Forever In my heart 💘💘💘💘💘
One Last Time
By tntviator
There’s big action, unforgettable moments, and great visual effects. This final installment of the Hobbit trilogy goes out with a bang!
More is good
By NPS1365
After watching this version of the film, I love this movie even more. Showing more is sometimes better than showing less.